Education, Hints & Tips, Travel, US News

What’s the difference between 3G, 4G and LTE?

When using data on your smartphone or tablet device you are likely to have heard of 3G, 4G and LTE. In basic terms, this describes how fast the internet will run over a wireless data connection.

4G LTE 3G Data

3G stands for “Third Generation” and originally enabled wireless devices to operate at speeds which made web browsing a more enjoyable experience. Whilst this gave users the ability to regularly use the internet when ‘on the go’, there were still issues regarding the time that it took to open certain web pages as well as struggling to meet the increased demand for wireless mobile internet.

4G or “Fourth Generation” technology has become increasingly popular all across the globe due to the fast data speeds available. This allows users to do far more than check emails and basic web browsing; 4G allows for music streaming, fast and reliable web browsing and the ability to use a device as a portable entertainment centre. Many new devices have the ability to operate on the 4G network and this number is set to continue rising due to the benefits of the 4G technology.

LTE stands for “Long Term Evolution” and is a popular term used in North America to describe the journey of acquiring fast mobile data connections. Currently both 4G and LTE mobile technologies have similar connection speeds and both are substantially more advanced than devices that still operate on 3G.


It is likely that in forthcoming years we will see a widespread increase in 4G/LTE network coverage due to the increased demand for faster mobile data connection speeds. Consumer habits have led to 3G technology rapidly becoming outdated, which is why more and more consumers feel the need to invest in 4G/LTE compatible devices.

As the need for data roaming increases, fast data bundles for worldwide and European data roaming are becoming more popular and dramatically reduce the cost of using internet abroad.

Following the rapidly advancing technological age that we live in, it would be wise to expect the development and introduction of 5G networks in the near future. This would be expected to transfer data at electrifying speeds and would offer large scale benefits to both consumers and society as a whole.


UK News, US News

Cellhire Strengthens Presence in Brazil

York, UK. Cellhire, the international mobile solutions specialist, has opened a new office in Sao Paulo to capitalise on the expanding Brazilian market and build a platform to serve its global customer base for the Olympics that Brazil will host in 2016. The event will be used as a springboard to further establish the new office and gain a strong domestic foothold for business after the Olympics.

Cellhire's Martyn Stevens
Cellhire’s Martyn Stevens

Last year Cellhire delivered over 14,000 connections at the FIFA World Cup as both business and media descended on Brazil for one of the biggest events in the world. Cellhire has laid the appropriate foundations to maximise Brazil’s next big event in 2016 and capitalise on the growing Brazilian market. Cellhire will be offering voice and data connections, supporting live reporting from Rio to news desks around the world.

Martyn Stevens, Director of International Business Development at Cellhire says “Our new office in Brazil is a fantastic opportunity for Cellhire to break into Latin America and build on the back of our success at the FIFA World Cup. We’re looking forward to Rio 2016 and we have our unique network agreements in place to really make the most of it and to get our latest office off to a great start.”

The Olympics kick off in Rio in August 2016 and Cellhire has already secured some major connection numbers for the event with some customers traveling out to Brazil as early as May 2016.

Actualités en France

Nouveaux Forfaits Internet Multi-Pays

Les offres évoluent rapidement…et nous nous concentrons sur les solutions multi-pays qui vous permettent de rester joignable dans plusieurs pays, à partir d’un même abonnement.

Découvrez maintenant les nouvelles offres :


2 nouveaux forfaits Internet pour vos utilisateurs qui voyagent fréquemment en Europe :

  • 10 GB par mois : à partir de 125 €HT par mois*
  • 20 GB par mois : à partir de 225 €HT par mois*

*prix sur la base de 24 mois – Consultez Cellhire pour le tarif en courte durée

L’offre est disponible en 4G sur 17 destinations.


Au choix, 2 forfaits à utiliser dans 110 pays : parfaits pour les grands voyageurs et pour ceux qui souhaitent une offre sans surprise (au-delà du forfait le débit est dégradé)…:

  • 1.5 GB par mois : 95 €HT par mois*
  • 5 GB par mois : 175 €HT par mois*

*prix sur la base de 24 mois – Consultez Cellhire pour le tarif en courte durée

L’offre est disponible sur 110 pays (Europe / Amérique du Nord et du Sud / Moyen Orient / Asie).

Toute l’équipe se tient à votre disposition pour plus de renseignements.

Cellhire France – 01 41 43 79 40 –

UK News

The Fall of EU Roaming Costs

The EU has been working hard to reduce the cost of roaming throughout Europe, it is now the cheapest it’s ever been, however it is still not cheap enough.

In 2013 the European Commission proposed to abolish roaming charges by December 2015. In January 2015 a proposal was made to delay this until mid-2018.

The EC’s Anndrus Ansip, the European Commission’s vice-president for the digital single market, recently attacked governments across Europe for being unsupportive in abolishing roaming fees, calling the current compromise “a joke” at a European Voice Event held in Brussels.


As of May 2015, the latest leaked proposal would give users up to 100MB of data, 100 minutes of calls, and 50 texts at domestic rates while roaming, per year. Any roaming charges thereafter would not be allowed to exceed the EU limits for inter-operator wholesale prices, which for data is €0.05 per MB. Under this proposal 1GB of data would cost around €50.

Businesses are using more and more data to keep connected overseas, so even with the current EU rates don’t assume bill shock is a thing of the past just yet.

Luckily, Cellhire’s unique partnerships and global position allow us to offer big data bundles from less than 1p per MB, even in the EU.

Check out our full range of data roaming offers at