US News

Wall Street Journal recommends Cellhire

In a lead editorial, The Wall Street Journal recommended using Cellhire for renting a BlackBerry while traveling. The article examines 4 companies and in the end declares Cellhire to be the best choice for consumers.

Cellhire Highlights:

“The Dallas-based company has been renting mobile devices for 20 years, so it was no surprise that ordering was straightforward and effortless.”

“Guided by a helpful customer-service rep…we were done in five minutes.”

“…if you feel more confident using an industry leader, Cellhire is the way to go.”

Read the full article.

For further information please visit Cellhire’s US BlackBerry rental product page.

Actualités en France

Un site dédié aux agences de communication et événementielles

Cellhire lance des pages dédiées aux agences de communication et événementielles. En développant ces pages, Cellhire souhaitait mettre à disposition un outil flexible répondant aux besoins des agences nécessaires à la réussite de leurs événements en France comme à l’étranger. Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, Cellhire est devenu un prestataire incontournable dans le domaine de la téléphonie mobile.

Les agences ont bien compris que les solutions mobiles proposées par Cellhire que ce soit en France comme à l’étranger, permettaient de réaliser des économies sur tous les appels grâce aux lignes post payées locales d’une part, et d’utiliser une solution fiable et professionnelle d’autre part – sans devoir supporter l’engagement de 12 mois minimum chez un opérateur. De plus, en tant que fournisseur unique, Cellhire propose une facturation dédiée par événement, facile à intégrer dans un budget global.

UK News

Wireless CCTV receives Queen’s Award

Wireless CCTV, the Rochdale based organisation that recently demerged from Cellhire, has become the proud recipient of a highly prestigious award.

The mobile surveillance unit specialist has been presented with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise, in the category of Innovation for 2009.

The Queen’s Award is conferred on organisations that demonstrate both exceptional performance in their field and a positive impact on society at large. In the case of WCCTV, the award was granted for a combination of continuous development on its Wireless Dome Camera systems, allied to a socially responsible ethos.

WCCTV’s achievement mirrors that of its former parent company, as Cellhire received a Queen’s Award itself in 2005, in the category of International Trade.

David Gilbertson, Managing Director of WCCTV Ltd commented: “Our team has consistently demonstrated its ability to provide our customers with the very latest products and the Queen’s Award is a tribute to that commitment.”

UK News

Renting international SIM cards with local airtime

With the value of the pound falling alarmingly in recent times, holiday makers and business travellers alike are growing increasingly concerned that their foreign excursions are becoming ever more expensive. As a result, those venturing overseas are more willing than ever to take advantage of whatever cost savings are available across a range of products and services.

Costs that are often overlooked however, are those associated with keeping in contact with colleagues, friends and family, whilst away from the UK. And this could well be because the majority of people don’t realise quite how expensive it is to ‘roam’ with their mobile handset. How many people for instance, are aware that they could well be incurring charges of well over £1 a minute on incoming call traffic as well as similarly exorbitant rates on those calls they make back home?

One way to save money when roaming abroad is to use a SIM card appropriate to the destination country. Companies such as Cellhire can help travellers keep in contact for less, by supplying these SIM cards for the duration of their trip.

International SIM cards cost just £5 a week. And the subsequent savings are significant. Incoming calls are free in most destination countries, meaning that relatives and colleagues back in the UK can keep in touch without adversely affecting the mobile bill. Outbound calls, both in-country and back home are also heavily discounted; up to 90% cheaper than roaming with an existing UK handset.

So given that this seems to be an easy way to cut costs, what’s the catch? Are these cards easy to use or is the whole procedure something of a hassle?

Well, the SIMcard simply pops into any existing UK handset, or should customers prefer to, they can actually hire a temporary mobile phone to go with the card. After that, the experience of making calls is the same as it is back in the UK.

From a cost perspective, customers only rent for as long as they need, so there are no long term contracts, no minimum call spend requirements and no top-ups needed as with pay-as-you go, because the Cellhire solution is post-paid for convenience.

Finally, anyone who is expecting an important call or is frightened about not being available on their usual UK mobile phone number can actually retain their number for the duration of the trip. Incoming calls are automatically forwarded to the temporary SIM, meaning that customers never miss a call whilst they are away.

Whilst it’s true that recent European legislation has brought the cost of roaming down somewhat, people travelling long-haul or travelling within Europe for any more than a couple of days are still likely to make worthwhile cost savings by renting an international SIM.

UK News

Praise from Wall Street Journal

Our US operation received a glowing report in a recent article investigating short term rental companies and their respective capabilities. Key comments included:

“Our first rental was from Cellhire. The Dallas-based company has been renting mobile devices for 20 years, so it was no surprise that ordering was straightforward and effortless”.

“The phone came with its original manual, a USB cable and instructions on how to sync to a corporate email server. We chose to have our email forwarded to the device’s assigned email address and it worked seamlessly”.

“And when we had a question about our Cellhire unit, we got quick and competent answers at midnight on a Sunday”.

Matt Bennett, UK Managing Director commented “This demonstrates not only our global scale, but also the fact that our ‘Customer First’ ethos is as strong in the US as it is here in the UK. It’s a really strong endorsement of the service we provide”.

Actualités en France

Cellhire partenaire de l’aventure « Himalaya pour toi »

En avril 09, deux alpinistes ont entrepris l’ascension de l’Himalaya pour permettre à Amélie et Sylvain de réaliser leur rêve de vacances : prendre de véritables vacances à la montagne avec leur mère Fabienne, paralysée qui communique essentiellement grâce aux mouvements de sa tête. Les dons recueillis par l’association «Himalaya pour toi», permettront de financer la location d’un véhicule adapté, l’aménagement d’un appartement, la présence d’une infirmière et d’une auxiliaire de vie… Dans ce cadre, Cellhire a donc facilité la location d’un téléphone satellite afin que les alpinistes puissent rester en contact avec les différents acteurs de ce projet.