UK News

The Times Photographer uses Cellhire for David Beckham’s arrival in USA

David Beckham’s first match for LA Galaxy brought about a global media frenzy with jounalists from all corners of the globe congregating at ‘The Home Depot Center’.

The competition for coverage and the perfect picture was fierce. With the help of Cellhire, photographers from the UK’s Daily Mirror, The Sun and The Times were able to instantly download the photos and send them back to HQ with minimal time delay ensuring the pictures were fresh off the press the following day.

Popular within the Media sector, who need reliable, high speed data solutions for downloading images and research information, the EVDO data card is a wireless broadband service giving broadband internet access through the 3G cellular network. It can provide Wi-Fi speeds and countrywide coverage, without needing a Wi-Fi hot spot, usually at speeds of around 600 kbps -1.4 mbps. Just insert it into a Mac or the PC card slot of a laptop and you’re off!

“Using the Verizon Datacard supplied by Cellhire, in Los Angeles, to cover David Beckham’s arrival with LA Galaxy was nothing short of a God-send. For the unveiling ceremony and with an 8 hour time difference, I had a matter of minutes to download, edit, caption and file a picture which was used on the back page of The Times. A superb service – one which I shall use on all future assignments to the US.” Marc Aspland, The Times Chief Sports Photographer

For further information please visit Cellhire’s datacard card solutions.

Actualités en France

Jeux de Pékin 2008 – Nouvelle offre chinoise

Les Jeux de Beijing 2008 arrivent à grands pas…

Pour couvrir cet événement mondial, les différents participants qu’ils soient sportifs, sponsors ou journalistes devront disposer d’outils de télécommunications performants.

Le Groupe Cellhire, qui bénéficie d’une large expérience dans la location de téléphones et d’accès internet pour couvrir les grands événements, vient de nouer un solide partenariat avec l’opérateur officiel des JO, China Mobile.

10,000 lignes chinoises vont être proposées en location temporaire par Cellhire, au travers de tous ses bureaux internationaux, et vont permettre aux utilisateurs de réaliser des économies considérables sur tous leurs appels.

En plus du prix attractifs des appels proposé par Cellhire, les utilisateurs pourront rester joignables sur leur numéro habituel grâce à un service unique de renvoi des appels. Les numéros de mobiles chinois seront quant a eux diffusés largement a l’avance pour permettre aux entreprises de s’organiser au plus tôt.

Un nouveau bureau Cellhire, basé à Pékin, vient d’ouvrir ses portes pour garantir à ses clients toute l’assistance locale dont ils pourraient avoir besoin.

Pour recevoir l’offre tarifaire ou pour plus de renseignements, contactez Cellhire au 0810 610 610

Si vous planifiez de vous rendre en Chine en amont de cet événement, cliquez ici pour découvrir nossolution de location de la Chine

US News

The Times chief sports photographer uses Cellhire for David Beckham’s arrival in USA

David Beckham’s first soccer match for LA Galaxy brought about global media madness, with photographers and jounalists from all corners of the globe congregating at The Home Depot Center.

The competition for coverage and the perfect picture was fierce. With the help of Cellhire, photographers from the UK’s Daily Mirror, The Sun and The Times were able to instantly download the photos and send them back to their respective offices with minimal time delay, ensuring the pictures were fresh off the press for the following day’s editions.

The EVDO (Evolution-Data Optimized) data card is a wireless broadband service which enables broadband internet access through the 3G cellular network. It is very popular within the Media sector, as they need reliable, high speed data solutions for downloading images and researching information.
It can provide Wi-Fi speeds and countrywide coverage, without needing a Wi-Fi hot spot, usually at speeds of around 600 kbps -1.4 mbps. It’s very simple, you just insert it into a Mac or the PC card slot or USB connection of a laptop and you’re instantly connected through the 3G network!

Using the Verizon Data card supplied by Cellhire, in Los Angeles, to cover David Beckham’s arrival with LA Galaxy was nothing short of a God-send. For the unveiling ceremony and with an 8 hour time difference, I had a matter of minutes to download, edit, caption and file a picture which was used on the back page of The Times. A superb service – one which I shall use on all future assignments to the US.

For further information please visit our EVDO data card rental offer page.